Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What should you Eat after a Bariatric Surgery

Your diet after gastric sleeve Melbourne will not be the same as before. Your doctor might suggest you various types of diets for effective and long-term results of your surgery. What are these diet plans, let’s explore ahead.

  • Full Liquid Diet

Consuming enough protein is important after surgery. This helps you to build muscles, maintain muscle mass, and supply energy to your body. It might include milk products and protein shakes that you will consume throughout the day for 14 days.  

  • Clear Liquid Diet

You might start your initial diet with a clear liquid in the hospital within 24 hours after your surgery. The major goal of this goal is to keep you hydrated and avoiding irritants to your stomach. This diet may include water, sugar-free gelatin, and broth. 

  • Soft Diet

After consuming a liquid diet, it’s time to go for some solid food in the form of puree. This helps you building tolerance for solid foods slowly.
Even when you have started solid food, your priority will still be protein. You may include high protein food such as hummus, scrambled eggs, and chicken or tuna salad with some low-fat mayo. Protein shakes will still be included in your diet. For 5-6 weeks, you will consume protein in each meal. If you want to challenge yourself, try going for a few solid foods, but don’t do it forcefully. Such solid foods may include soft fruits and vegetables. Grains are the best choice as well.        

  • Regular Diet

You will start with your regular post-surgery diet after seven weeks. The major aspect you should accept at this phase is “new full.” Don’t eat as much as you used to eat before. Your stomach needs only the required food. Don’t overeat, not even eventually. Overeating can lead you to regain weight after a few weeks. You can include fruits, grains, vegetables, chicken, beans, etc. in your diet.
Drinks & Foods to Avoid
Even if your surgery has been successful and you might have managed to stick with the preferred diet plan, there still are some food items that you should avoid. What are these, find out below:
  • High fat or greasy foods
  • Spicy or heavily seasoned foods
  • Reheated food in the microwave
  • Sugar alcohols - glycerol, erythritol, sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol
  • Avoid carbonated beverages for 3 months after surgery
  • Avoid caffeine for the next 3 months
  • Cut alcoholic drinks for the next 6 months
  • Don’t eat transfat or the food that contains preservatives
Avoid junk food apart from the above food items. After 6 months or a year, you can consume such food in small portions or occasionally.

Final Words:

You can get the most out of your Weight loss surgery Melbourne by sticking to a suggested diet and avoiding high-fat foods. For better understanding, you can consult experts before surgery.
So what are you waiting for? Get the body you always wanted with a healthy post-Bariatric Surgery diet plan today!