Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How To Prepare For The Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

You have decided to undergo gastric sleeve surgery in order to lose weight and get rid of your extra pounds. This is the right decision since this type of surgery is highly effective and has few risks associated with it. However, you should still prepare yourself as much as possible before going through this procedure before you go to the best gastric sleeve surgeon Melbourne.

Why Do You Need to Prepare for This Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a major operation. It's made through a small incision in your belly button, and the surgical team will remove most of your stomach to create a tube or sleeve shape. This is irreversible: if you want to lose weight again, you'll need to go back into the operating room one more time.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in doing, here are some things you should know before deciding whether or not it's right for you:

  • The procedure requires general anesthesia (you'll be asleep). While this sounds scary, anesthetized patients typically recover faster than those who have had local anesthesia (the kind used in minor surgeries). Also, anesthesiologists have seen plenty of gastric sleeve procedures performed without any complications, so they know what they're doing!
  • Most people can expect their hospital stay after the surgery last between 1-2 nights depending on how well they do healing up at home afterward as well as how much pain medication was needed during recovery time at home after discharge from the hospitalization period has been completed successfully with no negative consequences whatsoever so far during follow up visits after discharge date has passed successfully with no negative outcomes reported thus far yet either.

How to Prepare for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

  • Stop smoking three weeks before the surgery.
  • Change your diet and take vitamins, especially vitamin B12, folic acid, and iron.
  • Make sure you have a ride to the hospital and that someone can take care of you after surgery.
  • Make sure you have enough money for this procedure because it will cost about $10,000-$15,000 dollars depending on where in the world you live and what kind of insurance coverage you have. The best way to save money is by going through an experienced bariatric surgeon who will give discounts if they see that there's no other option for patient recovery than surgery!  
  • best gastric sleeve surgeon Melbourne

Stop Smoking Three Weeks Before the Surgery

Smoking is the most significant reason for complications during and after surgery. In fact, it can cause problems with healing, bleeding, infection, blood clots and many other issues. If you are a smoker who has been told that you need to stop before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, then this is the right time to do so. You will have to abstain from smoking for 3 weeks prior to your surgery date. This way your body will have adequate time before undergoing any procedure and you can get back to normalcy as soon as possible once everything is over.

Most people who decide not to smoke feel more energetic after just one week of quitting! It's amazing how much better we feel when we give up cigarettes!

Change your diet.

If you’re planning to have gastric sleeve surgery, it’s time to change your eating habits. You need to stop eating foods that are high in sugar and fat, as well as those containing alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated drinks.

Avoid fatty foods: Fatty foods can affect the way your body absorbs medicine after surgery. They may also cause nausea or vomiting during or after surgery. Avoid carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks such as soda pop can cause gas build-up in the stomach after gastric sleeve surgery. This could lead to discomfort during recovery from an operation where there is already potential for pain at first due to its invasiveness into your body's systems! If you're concerned about avoiding these types of beverages altogether, then try switching out soda for sparkling water instead!


If you want to have the surgery done, then it is a good idea to prepare for it beforehand. You will be able to recover faster and have fewer problems after the surgery if you plan ahead and eat healthy foods before your surgery date. Consult the best gastric sleeve surgeon in Melbourne for further consultation.

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